Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Starting to come together

So, I promised ya'll a fully detailed review of the it goes...

I arrived home on Friday (the 12th) and went straight to the church for the rehearsal, which went off basically without a hitch (save for me trying to pretend it was my wedding and obsessing over every detail--oops!).  Said hi to my aunt and uncle, who I never get to see so that was exciting.  Then, we went back home for pizza, the closest thing to a rehearsal dinner a 2nd wedding will get.  The evening was concluded by my mom and I going to spend the night at my grandma's house, staying up to watch the Olympic opening ceremonies (I've been obsessed with Vancouver for the last week and a half, by the way), and then heading to bed. 

In the morning, Mom and I got up, went to my favorite boutique in town to have my dress steamed at the last minute (my mom used to work there), and then went to our hair salon to have our hair done.  It was a girly morning and I loved every minute of it.  Plus, my mom gave me a card that was seriously the sweetest thing I've ever read and reduced me to tears at 11 am...I should've known I'd be in trouble right then (luckily, there is such a thing as waterproof mascara).

And then we headed to the church, doing all the standard getting ready, taking pictures stuff (without seeing the groom, of course) and then it was time.  I was an absolute wreck throughout most of the ceremony.  When my mom walked down the aisle and I caught sight of Dave's face and hers, I lost it completely.  I bawled when my brother read from 1 Corinthians and when they exchanged vows.  Pretty sure I cried more than my mom.  It was just so emotional for me, for many reasons which are far too personal for a blog post, but all I can say is I'd never seen my mom look that beautiful or that happy.  It was truly spectacular. 

The reception was an absolute blast!!  My dad's brother's family was there, as was his step-sister's family.  Each has 3 kids and they are my brother's and my favorites and we rarely get to see each other so it was just great that they could be there.  If there's anything I've learned, it's that family is not just who you're related to by's who you love.  The power of love is always so potent at weddings.  I need to remember it all the time. 

Highlights/Results of the open bar:
1. The full-on dance-off between my cousin Grace (modern dancer), my cousin Iris (former Irish Step Dancer), and myself (obviously the ballerina).  It was epic.
2. When my now step-brother's friend asked me to dance (nothing ever going to happen there, trust me) and I said yes...hahahah
3. My brother wouldn't dance with me, so I asked his dweebtastic friend Drew to dance.  It was as awkward as it sounds lol.
4. My mom and Dave's first was gorgeous.
5. Just looking at my mom's smile.  Pretty sure it's never been that big or that beautiful before.

The night concluded at my cousins' house in drunken stupor.  Hadn't laughed that hard in a while and I think we finished 4 pizzas.  My uncle was a hot mess and it was the funniest thing ever.

The next morning, I sent my mom off on her honeymoon cruise (JEALOUS) and returned to school, unfortunately Valentineless, but it was ok.  I had experienced so much love during that weekend that I didn't care.  Can you believe it?  Perpetually single, cynical me didn't care that I didn't have a Valentine.  It was liberating and awesome.  I just felt like I had experienced this insane high all weekend and I'm still so happy.  It was amazing and I'm so glad I got to share it with my family.

Since then, I've been swamped by school, underwhelmed by ballet (haven't gotten to do a whole lot of rehearsal and wasn't cast in 2 of the 3 ballets for spring show, but it's ok), and focusing on eliminating negative energy from my life and still trying to let go because it is Lent after all. 

Spring Break is in a little over 2 weeks and I'm going to Biloxi to build houses and I couldn't be more excited.  I don't know anyone going, so I'm looking forward to getting to know some new people and hopefully making some new friends. 

On one last note, my friends are awesome.  Like, seriously.  Amazing.  I don't deserve them...they put up with so much of my melodrama and have the odd knack to calm/talk me down.  My neuroses is sometimes not easy to deal with, and they seem not to care.  So grateful.  Also, my mom is an incredible woman.  She deserves every bit of the happiness she is experiencing right now.  So happy for her.  And for our family.  Life is good right now, I think.  There are some things I'm overthinking, but I'm trying not to let them get to me.  The Lord says "Do not worry about anything" so I'm going to continue to attempt to let go of my fear and anxiety.  Your prayers are still needed.

Just remembered Mom is coming this weekend for DG mom's weekend!!  Pumped :)  Think that's it for now.  Almost Fridayyy!

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry, because I am ridiculous. I'm glad there's so much love and happiness in your life.
    Also, "If there's anything I've learned, it's that family is not just who you're related to by's who you love. The power of love is always so potent at weddings. I need to remember it all the time." Yes. Just. Yes. <33333
