Monday, February 8, 2010

Late Night. Can't Sleep.

So...I hate to be emo and angsty and make myself sound like some sort of desperate girl, but this is what I'm feeling right now:

I'm so ready to be in love.  My heart is open and my arms are wide.  I have so much love to give, but haven't found anyone ready to receive it.  I know, I know, I know (!) patience...stop worrying..."your time will come"...blah blah blah.  But right now, I'm lonely.  And my mom is getting married on Saturday (which is probably the single greatest thing to happen to our family in the last 15 years) and I just want that.  At the risk of sounding like a bad pop song, I want someone to want me.  And I'm tired of waiting.  I'm frustrated and sick of this. 

Ok, I'm sorry for being so annoying.  And I'll probably delete this post in a few days because it'll probably sound terribly pathetic to me tomorrow morning, but it's late and and cold and I'm tired and I'd pretty much give anything to be snuggling next to someone who loves me right now. 

I'm done now.  Bye.


  1. I predict you'll meet someone this weekend.

  2. I know this is the most corny, cliche advice ever but it's all I've got: when you're single you have an even greater opportunity to focus on making God the love of your life and on the plans He has for you. There are so many wonderful things that come with being married (and in a relationship) but (I think) an equal amount of great things that come with single life. Enjoy focusing on your own goals, hopes and aspiration now because when you share your life with someone else, you have to put them first (and hopefully they'll do the same for you).

    And it's incredibly likely that you'll meet That Person--the one who deserves a person as wonderful as you--when you least expect it, when you're not even looking, and your life will change in an instant. I'm praying for you, as always!


  3. “Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.”
    -Kent Nerburn

    Not what you wanted to hear but it's food for thought. I'm sure you've seen "Under the Tuscan Sun" but I would advise seeing it again. It will happen, have faith that you deserve it, go on living your life and someone worthy will appear. Three months after I gave up trying or looking and I basically swore off guys was when I found Josh, whom I dated for 2 years.

  4. i know right? i'm so ready to live in a john green novel.

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  6. I don't think the phone ads were what you had in mind when you said you were ready to meet someone
