Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Year in Review, Continued

These are moments and events (smaller things/perfect little moments) that I neglected to mention in my last post...

Getting to go to Infinitus 2010 for a brief few hours
This was definitely unexpected.  I found myself in Orlando during Infinitus, but due to the constraints of working as an RA, I was sure that I wasn't going to be able to get time off to visit.  However, by some miracle, I was able to leave campus and hang out with Marlena and Leah in the gorgeous hotel pool, and was even able to attend a little bit of the ball...I got to see people I hadn't seen in AAAAAGESSSSS, and it was just genuinely lovely.  I'm still praying for a miracle to attend LeakyCon 2011, but audition expenses are proving steep and, due to the uncertainty of what I will be doing in July, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do.  Pray that something pans out and that I'm able to attend...I can't imagine not seeing DH Part 2 without the rest of the fandom.

Sneaking out and seeing Toy Story 3 with the Orlando RAs
It was late, we got lost, and it was a whopping $17 movie ticket, but that was one of the most fun few hours ever.  It was so great to see the culminating film of the trilogy with people that, like me, had grown up with Andy.  I have yet to watch it without bawling my eyes out. And I'm totally ok with that.

Deathly Hallows Midnight Release
This was the first release that had happened while I was actually IN school, so it was amazing to be able to go with two of my dearest friends. I used my Halloween costume and dressed as the Golden Snitch.  The film was brilliant, and I am so excited for what Yates has in store for us in July.

Spring Ballet 2010 was not the greatest time I've ever had at IU...I felt kind of shafted because, for the third time, I was in the back of the Serenade corps.  But, while I would have much rather been cast as Dark Angel, or at least had the opportunity to learn Rubies, I was still so grateful to be performing my favorite ballet of all time.  The last show, I got a little emotional on stage. The music, the tulle, the movement...it was one of those religious experiences I occasionally have on stage, and it was beautiful.

Summer Session I
Living with two of my best friends in a house (finally!) where I could cook my own food and bake as much as my heart desired was amazing.  Yes, the being in school part sucked, but that was a small price to pay for those 6 weeks of bliss.  Brownies, wine, and countless trips to Redbox defined that part of my summer, and it was brilliant.

--- No photo evidence :( ---

General good times with IUBT
Because my sorority has been a much different place this semester (not that it's not great), I've been spending a lot more time with the ballet dancers, who I know will be my friends for the rest of my life.  So many bad days turned into fabulous nights, and when we couldn't take it anymore, we just said, "Screw it," and took shots.  I would not have gotten through Allegro or Snow Queen without praying with one of my dearest friends before all the shows.  I would have cried without baking nights or wine nights or general craziness that has occurred with these people.  I love them with all of my heart, and I can't wait to soak up every minute with them in 2011.

Well, I'm off to watch more of The Tudors, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows.  Damn, Showtime makes the 16th century look sexy.  Ok, enough of my ramblings.  Good night!

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