Monday, December 27, 2010

Year in Review: Memorable Events

Inspired in part by the lovely Sarah Badger, I'm going to countdown to 2011 with my most memorable (happy and not so happy) moments and memories of 2010.  Overall, it was a year of both change and constancy.  I dealt with a lot, learned a lot, laughed a lot, and, above all, laughed a lot.  Today, we'll start with  memorable events that occurred this year.

1. My mom's wedding
I honestly don't think this year would have been what it was without the marriage of my mother to the most wonderful man in February.  Yes, it's been different to get used to sharing a house with extra people (and pets), but seeing my mom this happy has given me hope that I will one day find someone as wonderful as she has found and has also (for the most part) restored my faith in men.

2. Spring Break in Mississippi
One of the most rewarding things I've ever participated in.  I met some really incredible friends on that trip, and it was so much more wonderful and fulfilling than I believe any trip to Cancun would have been.  I guess I learned this year that service in some form has to be a part of my life...which brings me to my next point.

3. Orlando Ballet Summer Intensive 2010
I'm going to go more in depth about this one in a post later this week, but, while the dancing part of the 5 weeks was less than great, the experiences I shared with those 12 other RAs cannot be replaced. Disney, Cirque, and The Wizarding World all in one month?!  I am too lucky.

4. My Grandfather's Passing
In the middle of Orlando, I got the phone call that my grandfather had passed away just a few days shy of his birthday.  It was an emotional few days to say the least.  I was so grateful that he was no longer suffering, and that the Lord had taken him for His own.  But I was also grieving.  I hadn't really grieved for anyone close to me since my other grandfather passed away about 8 or 9 years ago, and I guess I forgot what it was like.  It's a lot to deal with, but I know that he is happy now, probably playing his guitar somewhere, and looking down on us all.

5. Fall Ballet 2010
Not only was I cast in Allegro Brillante, which is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, I had the privilege of working with Josh Bergasse on his new piece called "The Baker Dances."  He utilized me a lot and it was the first time I'd gotten to do really contemporary stuff in a long time.  I felt so confident on stage and it was one of the most thrilling things I've ever performed.  I felt so blessed to be a dancer in those moments.  It was truly incredible.

6. IUDM 2010
Remember when I was incredibly upset because I did not get onto the committee that I had initially gone out for?  HA!  This year was largely defined by my experiences with Alumni Relations and our work and my committee.  If I had a dime for every time I was on the floor laughing with these people (or crying with them) I'd be freaking rich right now.  We became a family so quickly and we remain that way a month and a half post-marathon.  How did I get so lucky to know such amazing people?  And then that weekend. Those 36 hours. I don't even...AHH!  $1,602,713.20. Inspiring. Beautiful. Unreal.

7. Nutcracker 2010
Being cast as one of four snow queens in IUBT's Nutcracker was simultaneously the biggest blessing and biggest curse.  It was 6 weeks of an emotional rollercoaster.  When it was good, it was great, but when it went badly, I was a mess.  It drove me a little crazy (not quite Nina Sayres, but maybe about 20% of that).  But then that Sunday was went as well as it could have.  I threw my whole self into it, and, though I know it wasn't completely perfect, it was absolutely the best I could have done.  And the lift was perfect.  And it was so joyful.

I think that's a fairly good list for the moment.  If I think of anything else, I'll add to it.  Stay tuned for more lists of my 2010.  Speaking of New Year's, I really need plans...hmmm....

P.S. Let me know what you think of the new layout :)

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