Monday, January 25, 2010

Rediscovering the Joy in Dancing

I have rediscovered the joy in my dancing.  Not that I ever really lost it, but sometimes, it gets hard doing the same thing day after day, week after week, especially when we only perform one weekend every 3-4 months.  Performing is what I love.  I know that class is necessary and the daily routine of my life would be all screwy if we didn't have it (not to mention, I'd be soooo out of shape), but the reason why I dance is because of the performance.  This Spring, the ballet department is doing an amazing performance with incredible rep.  We are so lucky, as a collegiate program, to be performing George Balanchine's, Serenade, Rubies, and Agnes de Mille's Rodeo.  I am more than pumped.  Today, we started learning Serenade.  I had the pleasure of performing it my sophomore year in high school and then again (just the first movement) when I was at North Carolina Dance Theatre for the summer program the summer before I stayed for the year.  The music and the costumes and the choreography are literally breathtaking.  Performing it was like a religious experience.  So to get to do it again is amazing.  The rehearsal went pretty well (although for the 47365th time I've been here, I still don't have a lead--which is discouraging, but another conversation entirely).  I am just thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to dance it again.

In other news, I received an email from the director of my IUDM committee, and it made me feel a helluva lot better about things.  Tomorrow, there is a bowling mixer with ALL of the IUDM committees, and it will be the first time I meet everyone.  I'm really excited and anticipating meeting everyone.

On Friday night of this weekend, a bunch of the DGs went over to one of the alumna's houses (she graduated last year and teaches in Bloomington) for dinner and a sleepover.  We made spaghetti, bruschetta, and break-and-bake cookies, drank far too much wine, watched the Hope for Haiti Now Telethon (and GLEE), and had good old-fashioned girl talk.  It was a nice break from the sorority house, but it also kinda made me miss living in my apartment.  I miss cooking and being able to have a queen bed and a bathtub and just being able to live without being surrounded by constant drama.  Please don't get my wrong, I love DG still, but every once in a while it's nice to have a break.

I also saw Up in the Air on Saturday night.  I absolutely loved it.  George Clooney was brilliant as always, and I was really impressed with Anna Kendrick's performance.  Having only been familiar with her in Twilight (gag me) and on an episode of Leno, she did a fabulous job.  Such an interesting story line (funny and heartbreaking and wonderful).  It also re-inspired my desire to travel (albeit with someone and not for my job and not shutting people out of my life).  It absolutely has to happen.

In regards to my previous post, Leah said that, although I used the word "trust" about 20 times, I didn't use the word "faith" once.  This surprised even me.  I guess I don't struggle with my faith.  I have faith that God is always going to come through for me...I have faith in the plan.  It's trusting that faith that I tend to have issues with.

I really hope this week isn't too terribly long.  I'm already ready for the weekend.  Does that make me pathetic or just unmotivated?


  1. Oooh. I'm glad you liked Up in the Air-- I wanted to see it, but I can't convince anyone to go with me. Also, shucks!

  2. I hear you about wanting to travel more. And yayyyy Serenade. I'm sure you'll be beautiful. <3
