Thursday, August 19, 2010

BEDA Dix-Neuf...Boring Meme is Boring

That picture above is AMAZING.

So, I'm going to Chicago this evening to see Billy Elliot, which means I will get back far too late to post on time, so I'm going to write now.

Nothing terribly exciting has happened today (or this week at all, for that matter).  I haven't gotten to work out much this week because our Y is closed and the next closest one is as ghetto as Caprini Green.  So that's been upsetting.

I'm leaving for school one week from today.  YAY!

I would kill for a chocolate chip cookie right now.

Aaanyway...instead of regaling you with complaints about not having anything to write about, I think I'm going to steal Leah's Meme that she did today, so here, have a meme:

What song are you currently addicted to?
Hmmm, well, I've been listening to a hell of a lot of ALL CAPS lately, and Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts has been overplayed on my iTunes since the episode of SYTYCD when it was used, but I think I'll say Mumford & Sons' "Little Lion Man," which is amazing.  Also, I heard they were the VH1 "You Oughtta Know" artist this morning, which kind of makes the baby hipster inside of me cringe.  Oh well.

What's your favorite season?
Well, I've been having an incredible summer, but normally, I'd say fall.  The weeks before it gets ridiculously cold, and you can walk around outside comfortably in a long sleeve shirt with maybe a light jacket over.  And hiking in the fall is incomparable.  I love going places with mountains in the fall, too, because there's nothing quite like those colors.  Oh!  And apple picking and pumpkins and Thanksgiving!!!!!!

What's the latest movie you watched?
Youth in Revolt. It was ok...I wasn't a huge fan as Michael Cera totally dug his own grave, but it was quirky and I liked it.

What is the one skill you wish you had?
Hmm...I guess I'd really like to be proficient at some kind of musical instrument.  I've tried and failed at piano, guitar, and even had a brief stint with my mom's flute in middle school, but it just doesn't work. 

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
The Hunger Games and Doctor Who.  Yep.

What's your favorite board game?Apples to Apples.  It's amazing.  And, this is not a board game, but Zumi (a drinking game) is a blast...don't judge me.

What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
All the normal stuff...Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, friends' blogs, my email, IU's OneStart homepage and OnCourse, Tumblr, and usually anything that peaks my interest.

What was the last thing you bought?
A Dunkin Donuts large French vanilla iced coffee with cream and two Splenda.  I miss my two DD girls, Alyssa and Sarah.

If you win 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Pay off some of my students loans, throw down the money for LeakyCon, and put about half of it away in the bank.

Last concert you went to?
Um...well, I suppose a South Jordan concert at the Bluebird shortly before school ended (Btw, check them out...they just graduated from IU (and Btown will miss them dearly), but they've been working on their next album, and I have a feeling they're going to be pretty huge).  If we're talking actual, huge, big name concerts then end of September last year Ben Folds at the IU Auditorium.  It was epic.

What could be one of the best things to happen to you right now?
Hmm...I would normally say a boyfriend, but I'm learning how to stop looking, so I guess just that the beginning of senior year goes smoothly and I get cast well in fall ballet...please, please, please!!!

What's the last thing that made you happy?
That reheated steak I had on salad for lunch.  It was yummy.  Oh, and the fact that I'm going to see Billy Elliot tonight!!!!!!!!

Do you want to learn another language?
Absolutely.  I want to be fluent in French eventually, but I don't foresee that happening unless I live over there for a significant amount of those 4 years of honors French and 1 semester of college French did nothing for my speaking skills.  I can write it if I have time to think, but speaking off-the-cuff is not my strong suit.

Five things you can't live without.
1. Family and Friends
2. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
3. Books
4. Ballet
5. Mountains and lakes and the ocean...fresh air....and the outside beyond the cornfields of Northwest Indiana...

That's all for today...I'm going to change to go teach and then head off to the studio.  I'll have a full review of Billy tomorrow.  Have a wonderful afternoon/evening.  Love, me

Currently stuck in my head: Still freaking "Love the Way You Lie."  Make it stop!!!!!!!

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