Saturday, August 7, 2010

BEDA Sept...Guilty Pleasures

Instead of another boring, rambly, angsty post, I think I'm going to list my guilty pleasures.  You know, those things that we all love that we'd probably rather not admit to anyone.

1. Driving my car on summer days, windows and sunroof open, blaring some obnoxious, overplayed summer anthem on the radio.  And, of course, singing and dancing along to it.  And hoping the drivers of other cars don't think I'm a serious lunatic.

2. ABC Family original series.  Don't hate me.  Currently, I won't miss an episode of Make it or Break it or Pretty Little Liars.  When it's on (new episodes starting soon, hopefully) GREEK (I know, I know...I'm a sorority girl who watches a show about sorority's incredibly exaggerated and Greek life really isn't like that, but there are aspects of truth there and I think it's hilarious.  The annoying bits of the show are like the things that annoy me about my own sorority, so it makes me giggle).  I used to be an avid fan of both Wildfire and Kyle XY, before they were both canceled, that is.  I embarrassing.

3. Old Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies.  It Takes Two, Passport to Paris, Billboard Dad, etc., etc.  Please don't judge.

4. The O.C. and Gossip Girl...apparently I like teen dramas about rich kids...whatever... 

5. The Food Network. Giada, Ina, and Paula are my favorites.

6. This goes along with the whole Make it or Break it thing, but anything having to do with gymnastics or figure skating.  I did gymnastics for a total of one year when I was six and have never figure skated, but I'm obsessed.  No clue why.

7. Peanut butter. I used to carry a jar around in my purse everywhere I went.

8. Splenda...I bad for you.  But so good.  And no calories.

9. Center Stage.  Yes, that ridiculously popular movie about a bunch of kids who go to the American Ballet Academy.  It is horrendously exaggerated, not really based on any facts, and totally unrealistic.  But it is also the movie that I've probably seen more than any other (even any of the HP films), and I could easily quote the whole thing for you.  And the one-liners in it.  "So the elephant goes 'ow, ow' and the mouse goes 'take it all, bitch." "I am the best goddamn dancer in the American Ballet Academy. Who the hell are you? NOBODY." "What a prick." "He was perfectly nice about it." "Being nice when you're saying something pricky is even prickier." "Careful with that one. You break it, you bought it." "Oh, please...she's a heartbeat away from tatooing your name on her ass." And the always cliche "Whatever you feel...just dance it."  Plus, the's ridiculous and amazing.  By the way, the whole thing is on youtube in parts if you've never seen it.  I feel like everyone needs to watch.

10. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  I am a pretty healthy eater.  I try to eat as many unprocessed things as I can.  But there is just something amazing about that blue box and that neon-colored powdered cheese.  So yummy.

11. Bold red wines (big cabernets, smooth merlots, and malbecs). I'm not apologizing for this one.

12. The World Cup.  Not really apologizing for this one either.  The soccer boys.  And the internationality of it all.  Amazing.

13. Josh Groban.  Yeah...

14. Celine Dion.  I don't even know...

15. Looking through old photo albums and scrapbooks.  I do this more than I would care to admit.  I'm not sure why.  It's kind of a sad happiness it gives me...nostalgia is weird.

16. 1970s folk music a la Dan Fogelberg and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.  Blame my mother.  My favorite Fogelberg song is this.  Wonder why, haha.

17. Days where I don't have to get out of my pajamas.  Always a welcome respite.

18. Decoupaging and knitting.  I haven't done either in a while, but there is something calming about old ladyish arts and crafts.

19. Chik-fil-A.  If you've never had it, you're missing out.

20. High School Musical. In all its forms. I'm not even going to try to justify that one.

That's enough for right now.  Hope ya'll enjoyed that.  Tell me your guilty pleasures in the comments...please!!!  Also, one more thought...I'm considering vlogging again.  Your thoughts?

Currently stuck in my head: "We're Dancing" by PYT...because I just watched, like, five Center Stage youtube videos utilizing the final song from the movie.  *headdesk*



    I love you. I am in favor of seeing your face on camera in vlog form.
