Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BEDA Trois...Failed Adventures to Chi-town and Whining

The above is what I will totally audition for if I dont' get a ballet job next year.  Just kidding (sort of, but maybe not really).  Mostly, I just couldn't find a cute enough picture to put up there, so I thought a video of ridiculous ribbon dancing would suffice.  Hope you enjoyed that.

Anyway, I need interesting things to blog about.  Don't get me wrong...I know my life is, like, totally, like, the most exciting thing like, ever, but it'd be nice to blog about something other than my daily activities, which don't amount to much since I'm home and it's summer.  Ideas welcome in the comments, cupcakes.  Thanks in advance.  And I apologize for calling you all cupcakes :P

Today has been pretty ridiculous...not because I've done anything super exciting or noteworthy, but because of the awful morning I had.  I had planned to go into Chicago today to take ballet for the first time since getting back from Orlando, as I'm starting to feel fat, lazy, and out of shape again.  Anywho, my alarm woke me up at 5:30 this AM...and it was one of those things where the alarm was in my dream for a while before I realized it was my phone that was making that God-awful sound.  After hitting the snooze button as many times as I could without being late, I got up, took a shower, got ready, and headed out the door with what I thought was plenty of time to drive the 20 minutes to get to the train station and have 10 minutes to spare before my train left for Chicago...WRONG.  There were thunderstorms early this morning and the rain pretty much effed up traffic, and so, by the time I got to the train station, the train had pulled up, I hadn't parked, and I still needed to go inside to buy a ticket...which obviously wasn't happening before the train pulled away from the station and onwards to the Windy City.  Maddening. 

So I turned around home, drove home in a downpour, and went back to sleep for a while.  The rest of the day has been filled with me running errands, working out (man, I missed the Y), and unsuccessfully making progress on my independent study class.  I am not one of those people who can work without deadlines.  I need them to be productive.  Otherwise, I just let things sit and sit and sit and collect dust.  Which is kind of what has happened with this correspondence class I'm taking.  But, in my defense, it's this religious studies class I thought I would more or less breeze through and really enjoy called "Introduction to the New Testament."  I know, I know...boring.  And it is.  So dull.  And there's so much busy work, it makes me want to kill myself.  But there's nothing I can do about it...it's paid for and I'm committed, and without these three extra credits, I won't be able to graduate in May.  Anyone out there have any motivation they'd be willing to lend me?  It would be much appreciated.

I feel like my blog needs some sort of thing at the end a la Hayley's Chipotle burrito count, so I think I'm going to do "song I can't get out of my head."  Let me know in comments if you have something better or more exciting!  I'm really liking this BEDA thing.  Au revoir!  Love, me.

Song I currently can't get out of my head: "Forever" by Vertical Horizon (if you've never heard it, go listen! Now!)

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