Thursday, August 12, 2010

BEDA Douze...Spinning and Meteor Showers

Today, I took my first spinning class in my life.  I almost died.  Seriously, one of the hardest hours of my life.  I think I might stick with it, though, because it was definitely a GREATTTT workout.  But, holy crap am I gonna be sore tomorrow?!!  Also, my teacher, who is friends with my mom, is a freaking beast.  Seriously, this woman is in ridiculously not fair shape.  My dad takes her spin class at a different gym every Tuesday/Thursday (which is when she also teaches at the Y), which means she teaches at least 2 spin classes every Tuesday and Thursday (and she doesn't just teach...she, like, PWNS everyone).  And then, my dad said she'll run upwards of 5-10 miles after she's taught spinning twice.  Um...hi, can I be you?  Kthxbai.

After the gym, I went straight to the grocery to pick up ingredients for my step-brother's birthday cake...yeah, I realize that sounds a little oxy-moronic, but whatever.  I'm the baker in the house.  Thus, I bake when asked.  I made chocolate cake with chocolate ganache frosting.  It was delicious.  And bad for you.  No regrets.

I also played with my dogs outside in the really high humidity.  Which was fun.

I'm really starting to fade on this whole BEDA thing.  All I do is workout, do homework, and eat, it seems.  Failure.

The So You Think You Can Dance finale results show was on tonight.  I'll probably talk about it more tomorrow, but I don't want to spoil those who haven't seen it yet (even though I've already done so on twitter and facebook-whoops).  All I'll say is it was amazing.  And Alex Wong is amazing.  And I wouldn't really have cared who out of the three finalists won, but I am EXTREMELYOUTOFCONTROLAMAZINGLYSUPER happy with the winner.

This blog post isn't going anywhere, so I'm gonna quit while I'm (not really) ahead and go watch the meteor shower.  Love, me.

Currently stuck in my head: Every AWESOME song that was on my spinning teacher's playlist today.  From Matchbox Twenty to Hey Monday, it was glorious :)

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