Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BEDA Vingt-Cinq...Dream Weddings, College, and Esther

Coco + James // Teaser from Americana Cinema on Vimeo.

How about a pretty video instead of a pretty picture today?  Watch it.  Seriously.  Coco Rocha (for those of you who don't obsessively read Vogue or drool over Fashion Week, she is pretty much a supermodel...also her blog is lovely, so you should check it out) recently married James Conran, and she posted both a teaser and a short film of the wedding (which was in France! in a castle!!!), and I just think it is to die for beautiful.  I can only hope that my wedding will be half that beautiful when I tie the knot with the as-yet-unknown man of my hypothetical dreams.

I've been busy, busy, busy packing and have everything in the car set to jet out of here at 7 or 7:30 in the morning (yikes...gonna be needing coffee).  Please pray for safe travels...I am not really a fan of driving on the interstate.  I literally cannot wait to get down to Bloomington and see everyone, but I had a very odd experience tonight while packing.  I realized that this may have been the last summer I spend in this house in this bedroom.  In essence, this may have been my last summer break ever. (Well, aside from summers off that most ballet dancers are granted, but even if I have that, I probably won't come back home for those.)  It was just weirdly nostalgic and kind of sad and I don't know...I just feel a little strange.  I'm sure I will forget all about that when I walk down Jordan Ave. tomorrow, but still...just a bit of an odd feeling.

I'm off to bed so I don't pass out behind the wheel tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to offer up my condolences to Esther Earl's family and friends.  For those who don't know, Esther was a passionate Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter and she touched the lives of so many within the Nerdfighter community with her pure and open and unfailingly kind heart.  I did not know her personally, but did follow her on youtube and twitter, and she just seemed like such an amazing spirit.  She passed away early this morning after a four year long battle with cancer.  It is very sad to see someone so young be taken from us, but it's also amazing to see the strength of the community around her.  What a remarkable young woman.  You can follow her family's blog here.  Esther, rest in awesome.

Currently stuck in my head: "My Name is Lincoln" from The Island soundtrack by Steve is the music for the above video and, when I heard it, I immediately downloaded it and listened to it 15 times tonight according to iTunes...I'm thinking about it as a possibility for choreography project in the spring...stay tuned!

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