Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BEDA Vingt-Quatre...So much to do before school

Oh my goodness, I have soooooooo much to do between now and Thursday morning.  It really isn't funny at all.  I'm literally going crazy.  HELP!

Today, I worked out at the Y (thank goodness it's open again) and then came home and studied basically all afternoon.  Upon my mom's arrival home, we made sandwiches-time out...I literally just typed sammiches-and headed to our local outlet mall (and by local I mean about a 25 minute drive from us) to do some "school shopping."  Can I still call it that even though I'm a college student?  Anyway, it was a pretty productive trip, and, while we shelled out probably a bit more cash than we would have cared to, I came home with a pretty great haul.  And now I can't wait for crisp autumn air in Bloomington so I can don my cute new fall clothes.

Tomorrow I'm going to the beach with my best friend from home and her sister, so we can have a final day of hang-out time before both her sister and I head back to IU and she heads back to Arizona.  I swear, we haven't spent more than a couple weeks together at one time since I was fourteen, but she is one of my dearest friends, and I never want that to change.  And then, of course, there is the laborious process of trying to figure out how to get most of my stuff into my car (my mom is coming down to bring the rest on Saturday) tomorrow evening so I can get on the road bright and early Thursday morning.  The only way that's going to happen is with lots of help from Madre and Step-dad.  And, of course, a GIGANTIC travel mug of coffee Thursday AM.

I still don't have my hands on Mockingjay, so please keep the spoilers to yourself, thank you very much.  I'm glad that fellow collegians, Marlena and Leah don't yet have it in their possession either, so I don't feel so bad.  Alrighty, I'm off to do more homework (with one glass of pinot grigio in me, which should be interesting).  Congrats to the wonderfully talented Karen Kavett for being chosen to curate the front page of YouTube today.  On a more subdued, less spazzy note, please keep Nerdfighter Esther and her family in your prayers tonight.  She is currently in the ICU fighting for her life. You can read updates from her family here.  She is truly a remarkable person, and I'm praying that she keeps putting up a fight.  And with that, I'm over and out.  Peace.

Currently stuck in my head: "Waka Waka" by Shakira. I'm reminiscing about the World Cup...totally missing it right now.

1 comment:

  1. my copy isn't expected to arrive until thursday, but i could get it as late as friday )=
