Monday, August 9, 2010

BEDA Neuf...Laundromats are Depressing

So I just started The Hunger Games...FINALLY...yesterday, and am totally loving much, in fact, that I am going to rush through this blog post in order to get back to reading.  Is that ok with you? No? Too bad...

The only interesting things that I did today were venture to the laundromat and the gym.  I haven't been to a laundromat very many times in my life, as I have been fortunate enough to always live somewhere with a washer and dryer.  However, the few times I have had to brave that place, I haven't had very good experiences.  And this time was no different.  The only reason I even had to go was because I had to wash both my brother's and my comforters, so that they wouldn't be totally gross before school starts, and neither fit in our washer at home.  Upon walking in, I just got really depressed.  Seriously...that place is so desolate.  It's hot because there's no air conditioning, the people who work there don't look like they like their jobs very much, and the people who frequent the joint don't look happy either.  It was a pretty miserable hour that I spent there, but I had Suzanne Collins to keep me busy so it was ok.

And then I went to the gym, ran on the elliptical for half an hour and lifted a bit.  I did this while listening to All Caps, the HSM3 soundtrack, and MIKA on shuffle.  Yeah...

And now I'm gonna go read some more.  Sorry for the lame post.  I promise I'll do better tomorrow.  Blog topic suggestions in the comments, pretty please with sugar on top?  Thanks in advance.  Love, me

Currently stuck in my head: "Celebrate You" by Corbin Bleu...I miss the Disney World Celebrate: A Street Parade. I'm beginning to regret this whole reveal-what-song-i-can't-get-out-of-my-head thing, as it seems to have been pretty embarrassing as of late.  But seriously, that song is hilariously amazing.


  1. So excited you're reading Hunger Games! You should blog about it when you're finished, with a spoiler warning if necessary. I love hearing people's thoughts on the books and characters.

    And yeah. . .laundromats are depressing. Thankfully, I now live in a building with washers and dryers in the basement.

  2. Sarah, I think I will...I'm anxious to get to the end!! It's really intense right now and it's stressing me out!
